Environmental social governance
We’re a global business with a trusted reputation, and we have a responsibility to the communities we serve.

Acting with purpose
We serve hundreds of businesses and thousands of individuals every year, so we’re mindful of the impact of our company.
We’re putting sustainability at the heart of what we do, making sure our decisions are environmentally sound, that we act with integrity and that we hold one another to account.
As signatories to the UN Global Compact, we’re proud to join an international community seeking to address global challenges.
We align ourselves with the following goals:

Communication on Progress to the United Nations Global Compact
From December 2023 to December 2024
What we’re doing
Read our environmental social governance (ESG)policy in full. Here are some of our key partnerships and initiatives:
Our carbon footprint
We’re working with the Heart of the City to create our roadmap to net zero by 2040, with a plan to roll out targets for emission reduction across our global locations, following an offset/reduction model until we reach net zero.
A greener future
We’re working on ways to reduce waste and minimise our impact in every area of our business, from the journeys we take to the suppliers we work with to our digital footprint.
Social purpose
We believe in using our resources and networks to support different causes. We run different initiatives across our specialist search and recruitment consultancies that connect charities, non-profits and social enterprises to professionals who can donate their time and skills.
Equity in the workplace
We believe that a workplace where all employees feel welcome, respected and supported is essential to our future success. We’re a signatory to the Mindful Business Charter and work with a number of partners to ensure our business is a great place to work.
Opportunities for all
We’re committed to reducing inequalities and we work with our clients to advance opportunities for underrepresented groups. We promote fair and equitable hiring practices both in our own business and in our networks. We support a range of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives that help create a more diverse and inclusive future for everyone.
Acting with integrity
We are a responsible business. We work in an ethical and lawful manner, and we hold ourselves to a high standard.
Get in touch
Becoming a sustainable business is a continual journey and whilst we’re proud of our achievements, we are always learning. Keep up to date with our insights and resources on our social channels or get in touch to talk to us about ESG.